Haiyue HUANG (黄海月)

      •     Email: huanghaiyue at westlake.edu.cn

Haiyue graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2017 with bachelor’s degree in materials science, after which she joined Prof. Jiaxing Huang’s group as a Ph.D. student at Northwestern University, US. She moved to Westlake University with Prof. Huang in August 2021 as a visiting student. She is interested in the assembly and processing of 2D materials, mainly graphene oxide.

Representative Publications

1. Haiyue Huang1, Hun Park1, Yihan Liu, and Jiaxing Huang* "On-mask Chemical Modulation of Respiratory Droplets" Matter, 2020, 3(5), 1791-1810.

2. Haiyue Huang, Chunhai Fan, Min Li, Hua-Li Nie, Fu-Bing Wang, Hui Wang, Ruilan Wang, Jianbo Xia, Xin Zheng, Xiaolei Zuo, and Jiaxing Huang* "COVID-19: A Call for Physical Scientists and Engineers" ACS Nano, 2020, 14 (4), 3747-3754.

3. Zhizhi Kong, Matthias Daab, Hitomi Yano, Haiyue Huang, Josef Breu, Takayoshi Sasaki, SonBinh T. Nguyen* and Jiaxing Huang* "Visualizing Transparent Two-dimensional Sheets by Fluorescence Quenching Microscopy" Small Methods, 2020, 2000036C.

4. Che-Ning Yeh, Haiyue Huang, Alane Tarianna O. Lim, Ren-Huai Jhang, Chun-Hu Chen* and Jiaxing Huang* "Binder-free Graphene Oxide Doughs" Nature Communications, 2019, 10, 422.

Westlake University

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